The Spring Feasts are upon us!

Discover the prophetic significance of Israel's feasts and the two Messiahs as Kevin Jessip, president of the Return International, takes you on a journey through biblical and modern-day observances. Celebrate the Passover with him and explore the gift of the Spotless lamb who gives salvation and will soon return to Tabernacle among his own. Don't miss out on this timely and rewarding message for God's people today.

Discover the prophetic significance of Israel's feasts and the two Messiahs as Kevin Jessip, president of the Return International, takes you on a journey through biblical and modern-day observances. Celebrate the Passover with him and explore the gift of the Spotless lamb who gives salvation and will soon return to Tabernacle among his own. Don't miss out on this timely and rewarding message for God's people today.

The Four Cups of Passover

As we approach the Passover season, we are reminded of God's design for Jews and Gentiles to celebrate this feast together. Passover is a foreshadowing of Yeshua and his atoning work as the Lamb of God. Although Christians are not bound to the old covenant, we have the opportunity to participate in the Passover feast that Jesus shared with his disciples prior to his crucifixion, also known as Communion.

During the Passover celebration, a significant part takes place during the Seder where the symbolic 4 cups of wine are shared while reading and discussing the miracle story of Exodus 6:6-7 with family and friends. We encourage you to host or participate in a Passover meal at your home, as it is an opportunity to introduce Jesus the Messiah to your neighbors in celebration. Let's have fun with it and enjoy the deep significance of the four cups and the matzah, all pointing to Jesus.

The four cups of Passover have specific meanings, starting with the Cup of Sanctification representing holiness and cleansing, followed by the Cup of Deliverance symbolizing the breaking of chains of bondage and healing from sickness and disease. The third cup is the Cup of Redemption, which Jesus held at the Passover table just prior to His death and resurrection when He said, “This cup is the new covenant in My blood which is shed for you.” Finally, the Cup of Acceptance represents the promise that Jesus will drink it new with us in His Father's kingdom.

Let us celebrate this Passover season together, reflecting on the significance of each cup and how they point to our Savior, Jesus Christ. Blessings,

We hope you enjoy this classic Passover hymn with your family.

Former musical guest of The Return, Joshua Aaron sings the Bill Gaither classic "Because He Lives" in Hebrew & English LIVE at the GARDEN TOMB

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